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25 inspiring & motivational sales quotes from badass women entrepreneurs


Recently I was looking for some inspiring and motivational quotes about selling. It was one of those moments when I just needed… something. A kick in the pants, a fire under my ass… whatever it was.

I found a bunch of quotes online, but they all had one thing in common.

They were all from men. To be more specific, middle aged men.


Why were there no sales quotes from women? And not just women from the past. Women I could relate to. Women who were killing it as entrepreneurs, making their mark, and who I could look up to.

So, to be the change, I went on a hunt for the best sales quotes from the badass women who inspire me every day.

So with that, I present to you...

The 25 most inspiring, motivational quotes about selling, from badass women entrepreneurs.

I hope these help supercharge your motivation and give you the push you need to help you reach out to, and SIGN, new clients.

Ash Ambirge


"The motto to remember: Sell ’em what they want. Give ’em what they need." via
FEATURED DOWNLOAD: Get all these quotes in a handy file you can use for motivation whenever you need it. Download Now.

Miko Branch


"When you're good at something you always have something to sell." via

TC Cooper


"First they’re interested in who you are, then they’re interested in what you know." via

Tamiko Cuellar


"Every paid expert started exactly where you are – with a desire to get paid for doing what they love."via

Ilana Eberson


"Allow other people to speak first; the important factor is not who talks…it’s who listens." via

Melinda Emerson


"You must niche to get rich." via

Tara Gentile


"People don’t buy because what you do is awesome. People buy because it makes them feel awesome."via

Gina Gomez


"The place where I feel the most resistance is the same place that holds the greatest reward." via

Ariel Lopez


"1. Understand your value
2. Learn how to package it
3. Sell it
4. Repeat"

Jill Konrath


"To get bigger contracts, start smaller." via

Kathi Kruse


"YOU are unlike anyone else on earth. YOU bring a very specific value to the table that none of your co-workers or competitors have." via

Amanda Littlejohn


"So many of us are are harboring unrecognized brilliance that could help many more people." via

Nancy Marmolejo


"When you present the value of your products and services in a clear, compelling way, then you’ve tackled 90% of objections." via
FEATURED DOWNLOAD: Get all these quotes in a handy file you can use for motivation whenever you need it. Download Now.

Jaime Masters


"Things my mentor said: The day you don't market and sell is the day you start losing money." via

Leah Neaderthal


"Your expertise has tremendous value. You are offering your expertise, not asking to be hired."

Lisa Nichols


"Dedicate more time to actually selling vs. planning to sell." via

Kate Northrup


"Whether we’re aware of it or not, even if there’s no money exchanged, we’re all selling something." via

Amy Porterfield


"If you listen closely and ask the right questions, your fans will tell you exactly what’s missing and where their frustration lies."via

Aditi Ramchandani


"A brand is a promise kept." via

Kiki Ramsey


"The difference between where you want to be and where you currently are could be one small step." via

Rachel Rodgers


"If you are not showing up, consistently, as your true self, no one will know you. And if they don’t know you, they don’t trust you. And if they don’t trust you, they won’t buy from you." via

Maria Ross


"You can’t just build it and expect people to come. You’ve got to reach out and tell them about it!" via

Carol Roth


"Sizzle is important, but make sure you have the steak to back it up." via

Lisa Sasevich


"You have something to say that no one else can." via

Kendrick Shope


"The most important sale you're ever going to make is to yourself." via
FEATURED DOWNLOAD: Get all these quotes in a handy file you can use for motivation whenever you need it. Download Now.

Want to learn how to get the motivation and learn HOW to sell, even if you hate selling? Check out SIGNED, my program to help you master the sales process, sign more clients consistently and confidently, and get paid what you're worth. Learn more at the SIGNED page. Registration is open for a few more weeks! See you over there!

All photographs belong to their respective owners.

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